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All About Nungwi, Zanzibar

Updated: Feb 4

When researching Zanzibar to start planning your trip, you’ll often see people say that Nungwi is the best area to go, has the best beaches, and is the best for swimming.

I both agree and disagree with this. I lived in the Nungwi area for a full year, so I know both the positives and negatives of staying in this area.

In this post, I’ll tell you all about Nungwi so that you can decide for yourself if this is the best beach for your holiday.

Check out my in depth guides for other areas of Zanzibar!

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Nungwi is the most commercial beach in Zanzibar, giving almost a Cancun vibe.

Local entertainers walk the beach putting on shows for tourists interested to watch, you can walk and find dozens of restaurants and bars, lots of souvenir shops like the village streets to the beach - where the sand and water is truly beautiful. Nungwi is also on the sunset side of the island along with Stone Town, and is the best place to see the sunset over the ocean and beach.

Nungwi is the North of Zanzibar, and somehow isn’t as affected by the tides as other areas. This is why people say Nungwi is the best beach and for swimming, because you can see the blue water all day long, and the tide doesn’t go out to prevent you from swimming.

Nungwi has a mix of nightlife for both locals and tourists. The locals go to their local bars and spots until the early hours of the morning, and there’s no regulations on music volume, so if you’re staying in a more budget accommodation, you’ll likely hear partying throughout the night.

I know the idea of hitting a local bar for the experience sounds fun, but be aware the local spots are very different than restaurants and bars with more European standards. As always with drinking, drugs and partying, fights can break out, etc.


Guide to Hotels in Nungwi

With over 600 hotels on the island of Zanzibar, it can be overwhelming trying to find the right one! But after living here as long as I have, I've visited and stayed at many and know which ones to recommend and which ones not to.

I've broken this guide down by budget per night to make it easier for you to find the right hotel for you.

I use to book all my hotels. After a few bookings, I gained Genius status so I now get 10%-20% extra off my nightly stays!! You can filter for properties that don't require pre-payment or a credit card hold as well, and they have flexible cancellation options.

Budget - Under $150 USD Per Night

Mid-Range - $150 - $250 USD Per Night

Luxury - Over $700 USD Per Night

All Inclusive - Riu

If you're looking for more, like I said, theres over 600 hotels on the island - so I'm sure you'll find one specific to your travel style and taste!


Activities & Tours

Horseback Riding

The best stable and company to go with in Nungwi is Zanzibar Horse Club.

The tours typically take place on the beach and in the surrounding countryside and you can enjoy the beautiful views of the Indian ocean, or even cool off with the horses in the water. The tours are suitable for riders of all levels, and the horses are well-trained and well-cared for. The tour guides are experienced and knowledgeable and they will provide the necessary instructions and guidance.

The conditions of the stables at Zanzibar Horse Club are very clean, the horses are healthy, well fed and groomed. Each horse even has a personal fan in each of their stalls!

Zanzibar Horse Club has strict weight requirements to ensure the horses are not being put under strain.

Some people have expressed that horses should not be swimming in the ocean, but having done the tour where they take you in the water - it’s perfectly fine. It gets very hot in Zanzibar, and the horses only go up to their ankles/knees in the water, which honestly I think cools them off nicely after a ride in the hot sun.

How to Book

The rides start at $50 USD per person depending on skill level and length of ride. You have to book and pay in advance if booking with Zanzibar Horse Club.

Sunset Cruise

Sunset cruise is the best way to unwind after a long beach day.

You can go private for a romantic evening or join a boat with other tourists for more of a sunset-party-cruise vibe!

A dhow is a traditional sailing boat that has been used in the region for centuries. They have giant sails which look incredible across the horizon and are even more incredible to ride on yourself!

Some cruises also include a traditional seafood dinner or a BBQ on the beach and drinks, it depends on who you book with and how much you’re willing to spend. Some have more of a party vibe, with local musicians playing drums and dancing on the boat; or you can opt for a private boat cruise with yourself, your friends, or your partner for a romantic evening.

The highlight of the dhow cruise is the sunset over the Indian ocean, which is truly breathtaking. You can enjoy the beautiful views of the sun setting over the ocean and the sky changing colours, while enjoying a drink and the warm tropical breeze.

How to Book

There are various ways to book a sunset Dhow cruise. You can book through the hotel you’re staying at, a tour company you find on your own, or through meeting boat drivers and tour operators during your walks on the beach or through town.

Price can vary widely based on who you’re booking through, if you want a private cruise, and what you want included.

Here is one example of company you can book a cruise through, Boss Dhow.

A note about water-sports:

In Nungwi you can find lots of water-sports activities, like stand up paddle-boards, kayaks and more.

There's also a lot of jet skis available for rent, but I do not recommend you using one.

Jet-skiing not only puts other people at risk - while swimming, walking along the shore, onboard boats, or even with their children - it also puts nature and the reefs of Zanzibar in harms way.

The guides renting out these jet ski's are obviously doing so as a business, with the goal of making money. They don't care if the rider is intoxicated, too young, or inexperienced.

I've heard many stories recently of jet ski's hitting other boats, and almost hitting people swimming or by the shoreline.

The environmental impacts of this is devastating if it continues and gains more popularity.

Jet skis can disturb marine ecosystems, particularly shallow coastal areas where delicate ecosystems like seagrasses and coral reefs thrive. The powerful propulsion systems of jet skis can stir up sediment on the seabed, leading to increased turbidity in the water. This disturbance can harm the growth of coral reefs and negatively impact the clarity of the water, affecting the health of marine life.

Jet skis generate significant noise pollution, which can disturb marine life, including fish and other underwater creatures that rely on sound for communication. The noise from jet skis can interfere with the natural behaviours of marine animals, potentially causing stress or disruption to their habitats.

The powerful currents generated by jet skis can contribute to coastal erosion, especially in areas with sandy beaches. The repeated impact of waves caused by jet skis hitting the shore can lead to the degradation of the beach and surrounding ecosystems. Coastal vegetation, which plays a crucial role in stabilizing the shoreline, may also be negatively affected.

So please, don't ride a jet ski in Zanzibar.

Find an alternative activity thats safer for both yourself and the marine life.


This is one activity in Zanzibar I haven’t personally done yet…but I would love to try!!!

Skydive Zanzibar rides land on Kendwa Beach.

I wish I had more to say about it, but I haven’t tried it myself so I can’t give you a totally authentic review.

Check out their website to learn more and decide if you’re up for it!


On to my favourite section of every area guide....

Restaurants in Nungwi


In Nungwi village, there is a French-owned and operated cafe called Passion & Thyme. The food is some of the best I've ever had anywhere! Mainly pastries and baked goods, but also sometimes serving lasagnas and other items. They have amazing smoothies and desserts also! You can eat there or take anything home or back to your hotel room.


Mama Mia is a classic in Nungwi, serving pizzas and other shareable items. My coworkers and I would frequent Mama Mia often for pizzas and wine on our nights off. They also serve Italian ice cream and gelato (which can also be found in other areas, like Stone Town and Shambaland!).

Sexy Fish at Z Hotel is my absolute favourite in Nungwi. It's a little more pricey but the food is delicious. They have a more formal dining area and restaurant downstairs, and a rooftop upstairs with the best views of Nungwi beach and the sunset.

The downstairs restaurant opens by 19:30 (reservations required), so if you'd like to see the sunset you'd have to head up for some cocktails and appetizers - there is a minimum spend of $15 USD per person (last time I was there!).

Pro tip - check out their bathroom (I know it sounds random, but trust me) at the top of the stairs - it's one of the most beautiful I've ever seen, has insane views, and is decorated soooo cute.

Badolina Bungalows is a boutique hotel in Nungwi located just opposite the beach, and they have two restaurants - a Mediterranean one in the lobby area (delicious, vegetarian options!), and Badolina Express right on the beach. Badolina Express offers Sushi and other Asian dishes like noodles, rice, ramen, sashimi, gyozas...they are soooo good!!! They also have cute umbrellas and bean bags on the beach where you can eat, have drinks, and watch the sunset.

If you're looking for a true hidden gem at a more budget price point, there's a cute spot further from Nungwi beach but on Zuri Road, called Peanut + Butter. It's a cute spot to share small bites, have some cocktails, and watch the sunrise without the chaos of the busy beach. They also have a few rooms if you're looking for a budget accommodation!

Important to Note

Road Conditions

Road conditions in Nungwi are some of the worst I've seen anywhere in the world, in my entire life. The potholes are so deep and all over the road, you can barely drive above 10km/hr. The streets are narrow too, so if a water truck is trying to get by, you'll have to move out of the way completely. It's a nightmare driving through Nungwi, and I want to warn you in case you're staying there that it will be a rough ride in!

During the heavy rains, the roads are even worse, with holes of water so deep it goes up your car doors.

Hopefully these roads will be fixed soon, but unfortunately the government doesn't always support such infrastructure improvements.

Be Weary of the "Beach Boys"

The “beach boys” in Zanzibar refers to the guys on the beach who will start chatting and end up following you on your entire beach walk trying to sell you a tour or an item. In worst cases, they will try to sell you drugs.

The beach boys are known as a huge problem in Zanzibar, and authorities do take action when reported. Unfortunately, there can be so many of them at busy tourist times, it’s hard for authorities to monitor this. Hopefully regulations will be set in the near future.

If you want to chat to the beach boys, that’s totally your call! They are usually very friendly, funny and entertaining. If they are making you uncomfortable, say no thank you (“hapana asante” in Swahili) and then start to fully ignore them. If they don’t find a new tourist to start talking to, or continue to follow you, walk to the nearest hotel or restaurant that has a security guard.

Buying items from the beach boys will likely be way more expensive that they should be, and not authentically handmade. But that is your choice!

I will warn you about booking tours through anyone you meet while walking through town or on the beach though. These might be reliable, legitimate tour operators, but under no circumstances should you pay in advance for a tour. If you pay in advance, your number will likely be blocked minutes later, and you’ll never hear from this person again, let alone get your money back.

Note: The Maasai you see on the beach, are not Maasai. These are beach boys dressed up like Maasai, so you will want to take a photo with them, and then they can charge you for this. The Maasai people live in mainland Tanzania, and their lifestyle is strict and in no way similar to the way the beach boys act. For example, authentic Maasai do not drink alcohol.

An alternative to Nungwi is Kendwa - very close by and also on the North end, with gorgeous water for swimming and sunsets that light the sky on fire.

Kendwa is slightly less busy and touristy than Nungwi, but still one of the busier beaches of the island.

Kendwa is home to the infamous Full Moon Party that happens at the hotel Kendwa Rocks, once a month when it's full moon.


Check out my other guides on different areas of Zanzibar!

And don't miss....

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